Business park

A place to grow
The business park at Nuntorp Gård
In our business park, there are companies in many different industries and specializations, however most often with a focus on green industry or agriculture. We have several different types of buildings where businesses can be conducted and are in constant development. If your company or association is interested in establishing yourself at Nuntorp Gård, you are most welcome to get in touch and we will tell you more about how your business can grow together with us. Below you can see who is already established with us and their contact details.
Businesses on site

The past
Please take part in Nuntorp's history. If you take the time to scroll through our timeline, you will find gems from the past and major milestones that both shaped and developed the farm. Hihistory is so much more than numbers - it is the people with their stories and anecdotes that make it come alive.
Vi also want to hear your story related to Nuntorp. Were you a student here or did you work on the farm? Do you have old photos or fond memories? Feel free to tell us - and your story can also get a place on our timeline. And remember that there are many small puzzle pieces that make up a picture and sometimes the smallest pieces are the most interesting.

Gröna klustret
The economic association Gröna Klustret works with rural development and continuing education in green industries. They actively work for a regional meeting place and a living knowledge and development centre.
Nuntorp's Naturbrukgymnasium
Nuntorpsgymnasiet is a high school, run by Naturbruk Väst AB. Their profile is nature farming with specializations in agriculture, horses and special schools. The high school collaborates with the actors in the area and the industry.

Swedish Agro Machinery
Swedish Agro Machinery has established one of its many facilities in Sweden at Nuntorp Gård. They sell both new and used machines and spare parts and have a service workshop. They collaborate with Nuntorpsgymnasiet with machines with the latest technology and workshop training.
0480 -611 11
Andrésen maskin AB
The Uddevalla company Andrésen Maskin AB has one of its three facilities established at Nuntorp Gård with the sale of both agricultural and construction machinery as well as, of course, spare parts and associated services. Andrésen Maskin AB collaborates with Nuntorpsgymnasiet with machines with the latest technology and with workshop training.
0521 - 57 57 30

Nuntorp Mjölk AB
Nuntorp Mjölk AB with the unique combination of producing milk and conveying knowledge about milk production and animal care. Lena and Niklas Stang have about 25% of their dairy herd in the Mjölkladugården at Nuntorp Gård. In addition to running a modern milk production, they assist Nuntorpsgymnasiet with training sessions in production as well as theoretical knowledge and training.
Kunskapsförbundet Väst
Kunskapsförbundet Väst runs a one-year adult education in horticulture. The training includes both cultivation in open fields and western houses as well as planning and design of gardens. Knowledge Association Väst has intentions of a longer collaboration at Nuntorp Gård.
0521 - 72 27 40

Agroväst works to generate financial resources that can initiate, refine and stimulate projects and activities that benefit the green industry and society at large. We offer support to small and medium-sized companies within the framework of the SmartAgri project and share the latest research findings and experiences in our communication channel Green Meetings.
Dalslands Hästsportklubb is a non-profit association that conducts training and competition activities.

Equestrian Stable
The Equestrian Stable offers stalls, full service and training of ponies, as well as accepting convalescent horses. The stable has modern facilities, regular training in jumping and dressage.
Contact Fia for more information on: 0707-564066